What We Do
B.A.D. Composting is a composting co-operative that is aiming to get people gardening and create good soil for the community from our community! We do this primarily through generating compost by collecting community food scraps and utilizing community spaces to cook up some good soil! Soil is the basis of life, and by diverting food scraps from the waste stream and creating soil, we are giving new life to our communities. It’s Born Again Dirt!
In action, we distribute buckets for collecting food scraps to our member-owners, and then organize volunteers to pick up these buckets and other waste materials in order to build compost. We’ve built composting sites at community gardens and member-owners’ homesites to make our compost. We then distribute and sell our compost to community gardens, member-owners, and all eager gardeners.
As a co-op, all of our members are member-owners, which gives all a say in company decision-making. Further involvement is welcome by helping to build new gardens, volunteer for a pick-up route, picking up raw material, and building new compost bins. We are building soil and community!
the folks behind the founding

Ballard Reynolds is the founder of BAD Composting. He has been composting since he was a child and is excited to try and get more people involved. Freshly graduated from App State, Ballard decided to devote himself to helping his community keep food scraps out of the local waste streams and increase gardening and food access. Catch Ballard waging war on invasive brambles to grind up and add carbon to a compost pile.